

Part 1-Choosing Happy

Enjoy today. 
Look around you. You may not have the perfect life you have always envisioned but never, ever let that stop you for enjoying the moments and little things of today. Today might be the day for divorce papers, saying goodbye to a loved one, a new promotion (you deserve it!), a boring day, or the day of your wedding (congrats!). Whatever day it may be soak it in. You have an awful no good day? Bad days are inevitable but if you think about what is good and positive at the moment then maybe that bad day wont be so bad. You may have lost your job but that still doesn’t make you any less of a person. You are an awesome human being that now gets a chance to explore a new job or even make a life change in your career. Think about how amazing that is.  Take the time to enjoy the traffic jam on the way to work; you can discover great music that you may have never heard otherwise. Be thankful for the person who spills coffee on you—you needed to get rid of that shirt anyways. It is all about perspective. It can be a really, really good boring day or it could be a really bad boring day. The choice is up to you. Today is now and there is no going back.

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Part 1-Choosing Happy

Enjoy today. 
Look around you. You may not have the perfect life you have always envisioned but never, ever let that stop you for enjoying the moments and little things of today. Today might be the day for divorce papers, saying goodbye to a loved one, a new promotion (you deserve it!), a boring day, or the day of your wedding (congrats!). Whatever day it may be soak it in. You have an awful no good day? Bad days are inevitable but if you think about what is good and positive at the moment then maybe that bad day wont be so bad. You may have lost your job but that still doesn’t make you any less of a person. You are an awesome human being that now gets a chance to explore a new job or even make a life change in your career. Think about how amazing that is.  Take the time to enjoy the traffic jam on the way to work; you can discover great music that you may have never heard otherwise. Be thankful for the person who spills coffee on you—you needed to get rid of that shirt anyways. It is all about perspective. It can be a really, really good boring day or it could be a really bad boring day. The choice is up to you. Today is now and there is no going back.

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